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Silence is a registered charitable organization recognized by the government and a member of the HKCSS. In the absence of government funding, our sources of funding mainly come from donations from the public and unstable funding from different funds. In order to support the long-term and stable development of Silence and develop more diversified services for the deaf and hard of hearing, we desperately need the support of the public. Your donation will benefit more deaf and hard-of-hearing people. Please donate now or join our monthly giving program.

Choose your pricing plan
1,000HK$Every month相信您的慷慨解囊,能為前行的路留下漣漪。銅級支持者
50HK$Every month只需每月一餐飯的價錢。銀級愛心大使
100HK$Every month星星之火,可以燎原。黃金級愛心領袖
500HK$Every month感謝您每月的堅持,我們定必與您同行!
One-time donations are welcome!

FPS (Fast Payment System): 0694398
HSBC ( 004) 817-373-996-838
BEA East Asia (015) 147-680-004-66
*Send proof of payment to website chat
or email to
or Whatsapp 4600 5247
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